What is Kratom

Kratom, a natural substance derived from the leaves of the Mitragyna speciosa tree, has become increasingly popular for its stimulating and sedative effects, depending on the dosage. As the kratom market grows, consumers are presented with a variety of forms, each with its own characteristics and benefits. Among these are kratom powder, kratom extracts, kratom liquid, UEI kratom, as well as Kratom Beverages. Although its still a liquid Kratom Shots are becoming increasing more popular as well. While they all originate from the same plant, their methods of preparation, concentration levels, and effects can vary significantly.

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What is Kratom

Liquid Kratom

Kratom liquid comes in many forms such as Kratom Shots and Kratom Beverages. All of these flavored products start out as a full spectrum super concentrate of Alkaloids know as a tincture which is what we sell.

Kratom liquid is usually produced by soaking kratom leaves or powder in alcohol or another solvent to extract the active alkaloids. The resulting solution is filtered, and sometimes additional ingredients are added for flavor or preservation.

Like extracts, kratom liquid or kratom shots tend to be highly concentrated, though its potency can vary depending on the brand and preparation method.

The effects are similar to extracts, with more intense and quicker onset effects due to the liquid form, which is absorbed faster by the body.

Experience our full line of Liquid Kratom Extracts